Oct 24, 2022

Internet Radio control panel 3.22.3 is out:You can now broadcast in Telegram without a picture or video clip at all, such audio broadcasts often work more stably. The track availability option in the track ordering widget can now be switched for multiple tracks at once. Improved translations into various languages for widgets and the panel as a whole. Each track now displays its date of addition to the playlist. For each track in the playlist, you can now quickly select which playlists this track is in. For jingles with the mixing option, the problem was fixed when white noise appeared at the beginning of the jingle. Several edits to the Proxy operation for broadcast channels. The option to play jingles and requests now applies to the playlist or rotation that comes at the end of the main playlist playing from the beginning to the end. Volume control has been fixed in repeaters (when it was necessary to lower the volume, on the contrary, it was overstated). The playlist is now sorted alphabetically by file name, artist, and track name.