Feb 3, 2018
Added a new track ordering widget in the “Useful” section of the control panel. The engine of jingles and broadcast grids has been updated and additional settings have been added (customizable color, the ability to disable jingles and listener requests during the game of a certain playlist).
Sep 1, 2017
A new, fully customizable widget for the current radio track has been added to the “Useful” section of the radio control panel. The radio mobile apps for Android and Apple now support displaying the current track image and the ability to vote for the track (works only for radios built with our platform).
Mar 22, 2017
A new (3.x) version of our radio control panel has been released. In the new version: a completely updated interface, volume equalization in tracks, Shoutcast 2, downloading music files through the browser, grouping jingles by categories, uploading images of tracks and additional tags, bug fixes, improvements in stability.
Nov 23, 2016
Our designer of the Internet Radio mobile application has received a significant update, the most important feature of which is the ability to have several radio stations in one application.
Our mobile radio application can work with any Internet radio project Icecast/Shoutcast server.
Apr 18, 2016
An update of the Internet Radio mobile applications for the Android platform has been released. Improved operational stability and resistance to communication interruptions.
Sep 1, 2015
Now owners of any Internet-radio can conveniently, quickly and affordably create an application to listen to their Internet radio on iPad, iPhone (iOS platform). Read more in the documentation , the application builder is available in your personal account .
Mar 10, 2015
Now owners of any Internet-radio can conveniently, quickly and affordably create an application to listen to their Internet radio on Android. Read more in the documentation , the application builder is available in your personal account .
Oct 12, 2014
Added the ability to select a smooth transition mode between songs (crossfade), a new widget for displaying shoutouts on the radio.
Apr 5, 2014
The radio mobile application for iOS/Android has been updated, export of playlists in Excel format, import of playlists in M3U format and multiple improvements in the stability and quality of Auto-Dj work have been added.
Apr 9, 2013
A new, modern HTML5 player for Internet radio has been developed. The player allows you to listen to the radio in modern browsers, works on mobile devices with Android, iOS (iPad, iPhone) and others. You can customize the appearance and get the HTML code of the new player in the “Useful” section of the control panel.
Mar 19, 2013
In the Statistics section of the control panel Royalty reposed has been added.
Feb 25, 2013
The Internet Radio widget is now available in the “Useful” section of the control panel. The widget shows the name of the current track and other information (configurable), is updated automatically, PHP or another programming language is not required to install it, so it can work on free hosting services such as Ucoz.
Jan 28, 2013
A new version of our website is being launched today! Modern design, adaptation to work on tablet computers and smartphones, thoughtful and intuitive navigation - everything for your convenience!
Sep 17, 2012
Account registration for the new radio control panel has been opened. You will be pleased with the new extensive possibilities of working with the radio and new tariff plans starting from 20 rubles per month.
Sep 10, 2012
Due to the Adobe Flash update, which does not work correctly, we recommend updating the HTML code for Flash radio players. You can get the new HTML code in the “Useful” section of the control panel.