Dec 18, 2022
Internet Radio control panel 3.23.0 is out: In jingle blocks, you can now insert an entire playlist between in and outgoing jingles (previously it was possible to insert only one track). This way, you can surround a certain playlist with incoming and outgoing jingles. Fixed a small bug in the order in which tracks are played in rotations.
Nov 21, 2022
Internet Radio control panel 3.22.3 is out: Radio and channel traffic is now calculated more accurate. Volume spikes were noticed in live broadcasts (both volume up and down), this has now been fixed. For playlists that start at the end of the main playlist, you can now specify separately whether to play jingles in it and whether to fulfill listeners’ requests. That is, when creating an event in the grid, more options will now be added.
Oct 24, 2022
Internet Radio control panel 3.22.3 is out:You can now broadcast in Telegram without a picture or video clip at all, such audio broadcasts often work more stably. The track availability option in the track ordering widget can now be switched for multiple tracks at once. Improved translations into various languages for widgets and the panel as a whole. Each track now displays its date of addition to the playlist. For each track in the playlist, you can now quickly select which playlists this track is in.
Jul 20, 2022
In this update, it is now possible to block the connection of listeners from a certain country or, conversely, allow listening to radio only in a certain country. Plus, the ability to block individual IP addresses has been added, for example, if there is a suspicion that this is a bot or a stream recording.
Jun 21, 2022
Now you can accept calls to the radio from listeners directly through the browser, without installing additional programs, read in detail in Documentation .
May 15, 2022
Telegram broadcasting, support for the latest versions of Icecast and Shoutcast, waveform for audio tracks, Ubuntu support and secure listening links (read how to create a paid radio in the documentation !
Jan 4, 2022
The search for track covers has been improved, a new radio player constructor, a significant update to the platform and its libraries, 99% of known problems have been fixed.
Aug 1, 2021
New design of Apple/Android mobile apps for listening to your radio! See the video !.
Apr 26, 2021
It is now possible to create additional FTP users and share access to folders, that is, you can create a folder and a user who will have FTP access only to this folder.
Mar 28, 2021
Some time ago, VKontakte changed the mechanism of video broadcasts, so radio broadcasts stopped working. Now this has been fixed, plus for broadcasts on Youtube/FB/, the ability to broadcast videos, not only a static image, has been added.
Mar 2, 2021
Android/iOS mobile applications now support PUSH notifications. You send PUSH notifications directly from oyour account, using a special form in your account.
Feb 5, 2021
Added ANSI encoding for DJ metadata. Fixed an issue with incorrect file permissions for uploaded files. Added the option to show or hide jingles from the playback history from the jing blocks, similar to regular jingles. Google Chrome has expanded the list of ports that are considered unsafe. All these ports are excluded from possible Shoutcast/Icecast ports Fixed the operation of interval jingles programmed from 00:00 to 00:00 Added the option to play a specific rotation at the end of the playback of a non-looped playlist.
Dec 23, 2020
The long-awaited rotations have been added, and the corresponding section has appeared in the control panel. Now you can create rotations from different playlists.
Nov 17, 2020
It is now possible to broadcast live Internet radio broadcasts directly through the browser, without installing additional programs. Both music and voice broadcasting via microphone is supported.
Oct 21, 2020
For jingles, blocks and ads, you can now set the start and end dates/times of rotation or temporarily disable rotation completely.