A new option has been introduced for events in the scheduler - for playlists that are not random, but play in order, it is now possible to uncheck “Start playlist again”. Thus, the playlist will continue to broadcast from the track where it stopped earlier. For example, there are 10 tracks in the playlist and it is scheduled for 12 o’clock and before 13 o’clock, when there is another event in the grid, he managed to play 5 tracks. If you set it to air again at 2 p.m. and uncheck “Start playlist again”, then it will start playing from track 6, not from track 1. The speed of processing (indexing) uploaded files has been increased. The requirements for the security and storage of passwords for both the control panel itself and FTP access passwords have been increased. The song order table did not work for files from the network - fixed.
Oct 21, 2020