Endpoint: /api/v2/podcasts/
HTTP methods: GET
Authentication: not required
limit: the number of records in response (optional)
offset: offest, idicates the starting record (optional)
server: radio server ID (optional)

Gets a list of podcasts.


import requests

response = requests.get("https://demoaccount.s02.radio-tochka.com:8080/api/v2/podcasts/?server=1")

Example Output

        "id": 2,
        "folder": "the-retro-podcast",
        "image": "https://radio.com:8080/media/podcast_covers/podcast1.jpg",
        "episodes_count": 5,
        "feed_url": "https://radio.com:8080/api/v2/podcasts/2/feed.xml",
        "public_page_url": "https://radio.com:8080/public/podcasts/2/",
        "title": "The Retro Podcast",
        "description": "There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum",
        "published": true,
        "server": 1


  • folder: podcast folder on the server filesystem
  • image: podcast cover image
  • episodes_count: the number of episoded in this podcast
  • feed_url: RSS feed URL for this podcast
  • public_page_url: public page URL for this podcast, allows to browse the podcast via a browser
  • title: podcast title
  • description: podcast description
  • published: true if podcast is published (not a draft)
  • server: radio server ID the podcast belongs to
Endpoint: /api/v2/podcasts/
HTTP methods: POST
Authentication: required
title: podcast title, string
published: boolean
description: podcast description, string
server: radio server ID

Create a podcast on the radio with specified radio server ID. If you also need to include podcast cover into the podcast creation request, you need to send your POST request with multipart/form-data header and specify the podcats cover via the image parameter.

Endpoint: /api/v2/podcasts/id/
HTTP methods: GET
Authentication: not required

Gets a single podcast by ID.

Endpoint: /api/v2/podcasts/podcast_id/episodes/
HTTP methods: GET
Authentication: not required

Gets a list of podcast episodes by podcast ID.

Endpoint: /api/v2/podcasts/podcast_id/episodes/episode_id/
HTTP methods: GET
Authentication: not required

Gets a podcast episode by ID.

Endpoint: /api/v2/podcasts/podcast_id/episodes/episode_id/episode.mp3/
HTTP methods: GET
Authentication: not required

Download episode file as MP3.