/api/v2/playlists/ playlists.views.PlaylistViewSet playlist-list
Playlists API. Getting all the playlist for a radio server. Endpoint: /api/v2/playlists/ Params: server:int - radio server ID Example: /api/v2/playlists/?server=1
Description: Gets all server playlists as an array. Available without authentication.
JSON data description: { “id”: - playlist ID “duration”: playlist playback duration in milliseconds “playlist_files_per_page”: - number of tracks displayed on a single page “tracks_num”: - the total number of all tracks in the playlist “name”: - playlist title “is_default”: - whatever this playlist is a default (fallback) playlist for the server. Typical “default” playlist is a playlist that has all the music and called “All music” “is_random”: - true if playlist is shuffled “on_air”: - true if playlist is playing now “directory_name”: - if playlist folders sync is enabled in settings - this is the directory name that playlist belongs to “current_track_order”: - current playing track order in the playlist. Only makes sense for non-shuffled playlist that play in order “server”: - radio server ID that this playlist belongs to }
Getting a particular playlist from the server. Endpoint: /api/v2/playlists/ID:int/ Params: ID: playlist ID Example: /api/v2/playlists/1/
Returns a single playlist from the server by ID specified.
JSON data description: { “id”: - playlist ID “duration”: playlist playback duration in milliseconds “playlist_files_per_page”: - number of tracks displayed on a single page “tracks_num”: - the total number of all tracks in the playlist “name”: - playlist title “is_default”: - whatever this playlist is a default (fallback) playlist for the server. Typical “default” playlist is a playlist that has all the music and called “All music” “is_random”: - true if playlist is shuffled “on_air”: - true if playlist is playing now “directory_name”: - if playlist folders sync is enabled in settings - this is the directory name that playlist belongs to “current_track_order”: - current playing track order in the playlist. Only makes sense for non-shuffled playlist that play in order “server”: - radio server ID that this playlist belongs to }
Creating a playlist Requires authentication: yes Endpoint: /api/v2/playlists/ HTTP method: POST Example: /api/v2/playlists/1/ Payload: { “name”: - playlist title “is_random”: -tru if you want a shuffled playlist “server”: - radio server ID }
Changing a playlist Requires authentication: yes Endpoint: /api/v2/playlists/ID:int/ Params: ID: playlist ID HTTP method: PUT Example: /api/v2/playlists/1/ Payload: { “name”: - playlist title “is_random”: - true if you want a shuffled playlist “server”: - radio server ID }
Deleting a playlist Requires authentication: yes Endpoint: /api/v2/playlists/ID:int/ HTTP method: DELETE Example: /api/v2/playlists/1/
Getting playlist tracks: Endpoint: /api/v2/playlists/ID:int/tracks/ Params: ID: playlist ID limit: maximum number of tracks (optional) offset: starting offset for a list of tracks (optional) HTTP method: GET Example: /api/v2/playlists/78/tracks/?limit=1000&offset=0