Endpoint: /api/v2/history/
HTTP methods: GET
Authentication: not required
limit: the number of records in response
offset: offest, idicates the starting record
server: radio server ID

The history of tracks on the radio, the last track in the output of this API is the track that is playing right now on the radio.


import requests

response = requests.get("https://demoaccount.s02.radio-tochka.com:8080/api/v2/history/?limit=1&offset=0&server=1")

Example Output

         "album":"Ozzmosis (Expanded Edition)",
         "author":"Ozzy Osbourne",
         "metadata":"Ozzy Osbourne - I Just Want You",
         "playlist_title":"All music",
         "title":"I Just Want You",


  • album: track album
  • all_music_id: the ID of the track in the server’s music library. If the track is a jingle, this parameter is null. If the track was played live and not from the Auto DJ’s music library, this parameter is null.
  • author: track artist
  • author_other: co-author
  • comment: track comments
  • composer: composer
  • dj_name: the name of the DJ who played this track.
  • genre: genre of composition
  • id: track history record ID (unique value)
  • img_fetched: the system attempted to download the track cover from music services (Apple Music, Spotify, MusicBrainz) if it is missing in the mp3 tags of the file
  • img_large_url: - the URL of the track cover image in the maximum resolution for this track with no compression
  • img_medium_url: - a medium-sized version of the image that the system obtained by compressing the original image to 500x500 pixels
  • img_url: a mini track cover, usually in a resolution of 100x100 pixels
  • isrc: ISRC track code (used in royalty reports)
  • jingle_id: if the track is a jingle, this parameter contains the jingle ID in the Auto-DJ content database
  • label: label
  • length: track duration in milliseconds
  • lyricist: the author of the lyrics
  • metadata: the final metadata with which the track was aired is usually the “Artist - Name”, but the metadata may also contain other data, depending on the format of the meta data, which is specified in the “Settings” section of the radio panel: for example, the name of the DJ
  • n_listeners: the number of listeners on the radio at the time the track started playing
  • performance_type: type of performance: vocal, instrumental, reading, etc.
  • playlist_title: the name of the playlist that was on the air can be null for jingles and for tracks played during live streams
  • publisher: publisher
  • title: track name
  • ts: the broadcasting time (integer) in milliseconds, timezone: UTC
  • year: track year